With only so much time left in high school to go, every day of the week, im just counting down days for the weekend. The past few weekends, we had a few birthdays go past (Me & Bingo). And we had our self a lil fun, if we didnt have fun, we definately had a story to tell. Unfortunately, every weekend isn't the best but the past few were fun. Each weekend should be described as getting twizzy, girls booty shaking, taking the very freaky girls back to the "so icy compound (YEAAAA)" :-D, wake up and hit the stores, chill all day, and do it all over again.

(Stanky Leg....LLS)
Another week of school is coming up, and already, im tryna plan my weekend. Even looking towards summer time and spring break. Be prepared because we're really trying to find a spot to lock for parties. But for now, i'm looking forward to see what's in store for the upcoming weekend.
(PS. Doesn't Preach (dude with the glasses) look like wale?)