Ever since the 09 has come, music production has slowly faded and drifted. Now that graduation has past, all the after graduation stuff is pretty much done with, i've just been itching to get back into my first love. The other night, i was shuffling through the itunes and came across some samples I decided to play around with, just to see if i still got it alil bit. So the last night, had a little late night inspiration/motivation, and hit the basement. Fired up that MPC, and banged out a quick sample/drum and bass beat. Nothing real crazy, but i like it so i was kind of happy. Some others i pulled out were groups like
Crown Height Affair (good look shermon/ charles), Rockie Robbins, Roy Ayers, Casiopea, etc.
I really need a new setup, Reason, new sounds, a synth, a workstation, new mpc, some new crisp drum samples, the hole 9....new sounds, new stuff, keeps me fresh
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