It's been a while since done a BLAH or shared my thoughts on some bizarre stuff that I've come across while surfing the net. 2dopeboyz posted a new Young Money song titled "Where's Wayne?"
The title alone made me question, what could this song possibly be about. It starts off with a remake version of the Showboys classic song Drag Rap. Right off the bat...CORNY
Then not only that, the song title is really what the song is about. It's kind of like a where in the world is carmen sandiego theme execept where in the world in weezy? I didn't listen to the whole thing but if you listen to enough, you may think like i did and say....I know there a tight group or whatever and they all respect wayne but this song they kind of put him on a pedistool and in a way sound like there on his dick a little too much. Maybe it was like a thank you type deal/ suprise look what we made for you type song or Maybe the people at Young Money/Cash Money told them we're going to do this track, but as a artist on Young Money, I don't know I woulda been 100 percent on board for this song.
You be the judge...
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