So the date flucuated several times and last minute was set to Dec. 23rd.
Tuesday Dec. 22nd, 2009 comes around and look what happens
CLICK HERE TO WATCH CBS 13 Sacramento News Coverage Of The Space Jam Release...ITS A MUST SEE
Thousands of people went out and tried their luck at getting pair. The BlahZe crew was prepared. Dec. 22nd came and Jay Curry & Bingo were out at Tysons early morning, camp chairs on deck. From the early AM to mid-afternoon they held down the fort while I (swat) was at work. More people filed in and mall security started to take notice. Thanks to the crew at footlocker, the managers passed out tickets and wrote down your reserved size. After the tickets were in hand, it was a wrap, our pairs were stamped. It was then only a matter of waiting to pay and watch everyone else fight over the limited number remaining...
There was easily a hundred people just dying to get their hands on a pair. Footlocker didn't want to officially form a line until 11pm. Fairfax county police were all around, forcing people to "keep it moving." As soon as 11pm hit, all you saw was a huge push of people towards the gate of footlocker to form that line. Cops were being pushed, words were exchanges, people were kicked out, some even arrested. At the end of day though, BlahzeBlah got their pairs and some.
Now all I have to ask is....
Who REALLY got their pair of Space Jams after all was said and done?
shoutout to Kreemo! photos by TK
shoutout to Tim from Kreemo and the whole Kreemo Crew.
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