Its April 1st: Senior year is almost up, spring break is almost here, for some, the door of spring break is just cracking up. The 3rd quarter has ended, life is pretty much on auto pilot right now doing what ever I please. I've realized though that I've hit a fork in the road. Next year I do plan to go to college. All my acceptances that I wanted are in, it's just come down to what is for me, the hardest part of all: picking a school!
People all around are set and settled for the most part on where they see themselves going to school next year. My situation could be way worse, but luckily I've avoided those problems. So far, out of the 12 schools I applied to, I've been able to narrow it down to a top 4: Virginia Commonwealth University, Rutgers University, DePaul University, & St. Johns University. Half of me is torn on whether or not I should stay in-state or not. The other half is just completely lost. I struggle everyday with the fact of where do I see myself. Do I see myself in the middle of Chicago, during the harsh winter season? Do I see my self being in Jersey or Queens & making trips into manhattan with my free time? What really do I want to study in school? What kind of people do i want to surround myself? EtC. I ask myself daily hundreds of questions but I just don't know what I'm really looking for. Friends try to influence me one way or the other but in this decision, it's going to have to be made 100% on me. Hopefully, after taking my last few college visits, I will have enough to base a decision off of, but until then, ill continue to dillydally at this fork in the road.
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