Thursday, February 18, 2010

Black History Month..Better Late Then Never

For this week, since it was my turn, I didn't really have a particular rapper in mind that I wanted to write about. I could of picked your classic rapper like Nas, Tribe Called Quest, Black Moon, Biggie, Pac, Camp Lo, really any one. But if you don't know any of us from Blah Ze Blah, know that we are all old souls. Give me a turntable and a bin of Lps, you won't see me for days. So this week, in honor of one of my favorite producers, artist, musicians of all time:

Barry White

Barry White had one of the dopest, most unique and distinct sounds of his time. There is no denying that whenever Barry White was on a song, it was his own, he had those select strings, crisp drums, smooth beats. His sound, will forever be remembered. There aren't many artists out there where you can say by just listening to them that this is a "soo and soo's" song or "soo and soo" produced this.

His sound, reached out to hundreds if not thousands of producers in the Hip Hop world. Millions of songs from All About The Benjamin, to many Nas songs, to I Gotcha Open, and the endless other rap songs out have samples of Barry White. Even his other artist had such smooth and beautiful sounds, mainly to his production. Love Unlimited, Gloria Scott and Tom Brock, all have class albums in my mind. The man is undeniably a legend and that's why we honor Barry White! Thank you for all that you've done for music!

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